Oruç |
Fast |
Namaz |
Prayer |
İftar |
When it is the time to break the fast |
Sahur |
The meal that is ate before the imsak (stop eating which means the fasting has started) |
İmsak |
The time to stop eating and start fasting |
Kadir gecesi |
Known as Leylatu Alkadr |
Fitre |
The amount paid by Muslims (to the poor) at the end of the month of Ramadan |
Ramazan davulcu |
The drummer who wakes Muslims to make sahur |
What to say in Ramadan in Turkish?
Every year Muslims around the world fast the month of Ramadan and according to the World Population Review, the number of Muslims in Turkey in 2021 was 74,432,725 making it one of the Top 10 Countries with the Largest Number of Muslims. So, if you are learning Turkish and intend to settle in Turkey, you should learn the most used phrases and words used in this holy month.
So, why not take another step towards learning more Turkish words and phrases by reading this post and maybe watch the below video to help you hear how these Turkish phrases and words are pronounced.
SO, without further due LET'S START!!
Saying, for example, there are still 28 days for Ramadan:
Mübarek Ramazan ayına 28 gün kaldı
Welcome the month of Ramadan:
Hoşgeldin ya şehr-i Ramazan
Wishing someone to a have blessed/good Ramadan:
1- Ramazan ayınız mübarek olsun
and the answer would be: Sizin de mübarek olsun
2- Hayırlı Ramazanlar
and the answer would be: Size de Hayırlı Ramazanlar
Asking someone if they are going to fast or if they are fasting:
1- Oruç tutacak mısın? (Are you going to fast?)
2- Oruçlu musun? (Are you fasting?)
and the answers would be:
- Oruç tutacağım (I will fast)
- Oruçluyum / Oruç tutuyorum (I am fasting)
- Oruç değilim (I am not fasting)
3- Niyetli misin? (meaning are you fasting)
- Evet, Niyetliyim (yes, I am fasting)
Allah orucunuzu kabul etsin (May Allah accept your fasting)
Dua etmek (To make Dua)
Dua ettik (We made Dua)
Allah dualarımızı kabul etsin (May Allah accept our Dua)
Ezan okunuyor (The Ezan is being read/held)
Namaz kılmak (To pray)
Namaz kıldık (We prayed)
Teravih namazı (The prayer of Taraweeh)
İftar vakti geldi (It's time for iftar - iftar is when the muslim breaks their fast and it is time to eat)
Sahur yapmak bana daha iyi geliyor (I feel good when I eat sahur)
Sahura kalkamadım (I could'nt wake up for sahur)
Ezan okunana kadar zikir yapıyorum (I do zikir until the ezan is being held/read)
Rabbim tüm ibadetlerimizi kabul etsin (May Allah accept all our worships)
To check the pronunciation of the above Turkish phrases and words, watch the below video.
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